Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lesson 11. Student Choice.

Choice 2.

1.  Comforts, and guides.
     A. keep the commandments
     B. helps us remember Christ's words
     C. testifies of Christ
     D. reprove the world of sin
     E. speaks truth, and glorifies Christ.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lesson 10. Student Choice.

Choice 4.

The world’s definition of leadership is someone who is good at bossing others around, and delegating tasks.  But Christ was the perfect example of a leader, and he certainly did not do these things.  He washed his apostles’ feet.  He served those around him, even the people he was leading. 
Christ said “The servant is not greater than is lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.”  And “Whosoever of you will be chiefest, shall be servant of all.”  One of the responsibilities of being in a leadership position, is to serve those you lead. 
I remember for mutual one week, we went to a ward members house and helped clean it up.  It was extremely broken down, needed new paint, new siding, things like that.  I don’t really remember much about the activity except that Bishop probably worked the hardest out of everyone who showed up.  He also knew that he wasn’t in charge of the activity (it was a combined youth activity, young men in charge.)  He did whatever he was told to do and helped where he could, even though he was Bishop.  It was such a great example to me of service.  

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lesson 9. Student Choice

Option 2.

The 3 things the believers could watch for are:  people trying to deceive them, look for natural disasters, people that will try to hurt you because of your beliefs.

More truths:
1. Stand in holy places.
2. Declare the gospel.
3. Be wise, and humble.
4. Evil will fail, Righteousness will survive.
5. People who know the gospel, know that Christ WILL COME.
6. Be prepared for Christ for when He comes again.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lesson 8. Student Choice

When the widow gave her 2 mites, she gave all that she had, and she gave it willingly.  She knew that even though she was giving everything she had, the Lord would bless her.

It doesn't really matter how much we give, but with what heart and attitude we give.  When we are in the right Spirit, the Lord will accept our offering.

We can offer our hearts to the Lord.  When our hearts are in the right place, it is the best thing we can give.